Saturday, March 27, 2010

Beard Project

I've seen several people do some amazing custom work using different products, and I have been wanting to give it a try for some time now. After talking with Dave B, he told me what product he uses, and where to buy it so I figured I would give it a try.

The product blue/yellow epoxy or Green Stuff. It's basically a 1:1 mix that allows you time to work the epoxy before it cures. The thing that I really liked about this when Dave told me about it, was that you don't have to cook it...

Please keep in mind that this is my very first attempt, but I thought it wasn't half bad for a beginner....

First thing I did was picked an older joe body out of my spares box....
Then I cut equal portions of the green stuff....I wanted to keep this clean as possible, so I used a small piece of wax paper to place the green stuff on while I was working with it, and I used a pair of powder free latex gloves. This stuff is great to work with, it's just like playing with a sticky clay from when you were a kid... Once you work it for a few minutes, it turns a nice green color...Now I just started working with very small portions, adding it and smoothing it as I went. I don't have any clay sculpting tools, so I used two different style 1:6 scale daggers to work the details into the beard, and to shave of excess epoxy.... This probably took me about 45 minutes total, and a lot of it is just trial and error. Here's where I am at this point. I'm going to let it sit overnight, and will try to paint it tomorrow.I plan on doing a few more of these just for practice, so that I can move on to a couple ideas that I have floating in my head.... please feel free to let me know what you think... Thanks for looking.

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